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Hi, my name is Joëlle. 

I am a twenty-two-year-old Digital Marketing (BSc) student from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I am currently in my fourth and final year of my bachelor’s at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS).

Before starting this bachelor, I finished my propaedeutic year in Journalism at University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, now resulting in both marketing and copywriting experience. Furthermore, I followed a course (minor) in Visual Storytelling at the Creative Business department of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

What I do right now

At the moment, I am an active education committee member. Within this committee, I also fulfilled the role of chairman during my third academic year. During this year, I gained a lot of practical experience concerning effective leadership and communication. 

Recently I started working at Deeploy, an Amsterdam-based start-up, focussed on making Machine Learning (ML) accountable and trustworthy. Within this company, I fulfill the role of Growth Marketer. As Growth Marketer, I focus on the (online) visibility of the start-up. Doing so by strategically using social media, search engine optimization, and search engine advertising. 

How about the future?

For the second semester of this academic year, I am looking for a challenging, strategic digital marketing problem to put my knowledge to the test. Does your company have a marketing problem that matches my description? Let get in contact; I would love to hear all about it. 

After completing my bachelor’s degree, I aspire to follow a master’s degree that focuses on data. Currently, I am looking into the master’s program: Digitial Driven Business

  • Current academic year 25% 25%


Over the past few years, I have gained plenty of practical experience in multiple fields. Therefore, I would summerise my skills as follows: 

(Online) Marketing

  • SEO Analysis
  • Data Analysis
  • Keyword Research
  • Market Research
  • Strategy Research
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Growth Hacking


  • Teamwork
  • Sales
  • Leadership (Project Management)
  • Storytelling

Content Creation

  • Copywriting (SEO-friendly)
  • (Product) Photography
  • Graphic Design (creating visuals)


  • Hotjar
  • Mailchimp
  • Jira
  • Ahrefs
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Ads
  • WordPress
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Suite

Personal life

Next to school and work, I like to stay active and social. I enjoy hot power yoga, going out for dinner, visiting galleries, and last but not least, I love to read (if you have any recommendations, let me know!). 

Want to see my skills in action? Check the portfolio page!